LibMultiSense Documentation
crl::multisense::system Namespace Reference


class  ApriltagParams
 Class containing parameters for the apriltag fiduciual detection algorithm application which may be running on the specifically commissioned MultiSenses. More...
struct  ChannelStatistics
 A struct for storing statistics for a channel object. More...
class  DeviceInfo
 Class used to store device information specific to a sensor. More...
class  DeviceMode
 Class used query the device modes for a given sensor. More...
class  ExternalCalibration
 A external calibration associated with the MultiSense. More...
class  GroundSurfaceParams
 Class containing parameters for the ground surface modeling and obstacle detection application which may be running on the specifically commissioned MultiSenses. More...
class  NetworkConfig
 Class containing the network configuration for a specific sensor. More...
class  PcbInfo
 Class used to store PCB information for the various circuit boards in a sensor. More...
class  PtpStatus
 PTP status data associated with a specific stamped MultiSense message. More...
class  SecondaryAppActivate
class  SecondaryAppConfig
class  SecondaryAppRegisteredApp
class  SecondaryAppRegisteredApps
class  StatusMessage
 Class containing status information for a particular device. More...
class  VersionInfo
 Class containing version info for a specific sensor. More...