
This documentation outlines usage for Carnegie Robotics’ MultiSense stereo cameras.

Supported MultiSense stereo cameras include


Below are quickstart instructions for using the MultiSense Viewer application. This allows you to view raw data sources from MultiSense stereo cameras, and update the MultiSense stereo camera’s configuration

  1. Power the MultiSense camera with the included power adapter, and connect the Ethernet cable directly to your host machine

  2. Download the MultiSense Viewer application and install application for your desired operating system

  3. Use the MultiSense Viewer to automatically configure your host machines network interface

  4. View live data from the MultiSense Viewer

Advanced Bringup

Below is a general bringup template for users who are interested in developing custom applications which use MultiSense stereo data as input.

  1. Power the MultiSense camera with the included power adapter, and connect the Ethernet cable directly to your host machine

  2. Configure the network interface your host machine with IP address and MTU to connected to the MultiSense.

  3. Select a software library to integrate with your custom application