ROS 1 Driver

ROS (Robot Operating System) is a widely used robotics middleware that offers a large amount of prebuilt tools for robotics. The base ROS tooling handles inter-process communications so connecting sensors to other software packages can be done trivially. ROS also includes extremely useful visualization, logging, and simulation tools.

multisense_ros ( is a ROS driver that can be used to connect to a multisense and publish camera data in native ROS messaging formats

All models of current, legacy, and development MultiSense stereo cameras are supported by the MultiSense ROS Driver. This includes:

  • MultiSense S27

  • MultiSense S30

  • MultiSense KS21

  • MultiSense S21

  • MultiSense ST21

  • MultiSense SL

  • MultiSense S7

  • MultiSense S7S

  • MultiSense Remote Head


The instructions provided here have been designed and tested to work with a host installation of Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) and the ROS Noetic Ninjemys distribution.

For details on ROS installation options, please see the ROS wiki:

Once the Noetic Ninjemys distribution has been installed, return to these instructions for installing the MultiSense ROS1 driver.

A binary driver is available to users that have installed ROS using the ROS Ubuntu repositories.

Compiling the driver from source is also supported. To do so, ensure that the dependencies required to build ROS packages are installed. See the ROS wiki directions to set up your environment for building packages: Following set up of the build environment, continue to Building From Source.

Binary Package


The version of multisense_ros available via apt may not be the latest. For instructions on installing the latest version of multisense_ros, please Building From Source.

The multisense-ros library is available as a binary package for some ROS distros (

If ROS has been installed on the host system using the ROS package repository, multisense_ros can be installed with the package manager in the same fashion.

$ sudo apt install ros-noetic-multisense

Building From Source

Building the ROS 1 MultiSense driver from source can be accomplished by executing the commands outlined below.

# define an installation location for the driver

# create the directory structure
mkdir -p "${MULTISENSE_SOURCE_DIR}/src"

# navigate to the source directory in the workspace

# be sure to source the ROS distribution
source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash

# create a catkin workspace
catkin_init_workspace .

# clone the MultiSense ROS1 driver sources
git clone --recurse-submodules multisense

# change to the base directory of the driver install

# use rosdep to install any dependencies
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y

# build the driver

Updating the Driver Compiled from Source

To update a driver that has been installed from source, perform the following actions.

# define the installation location

# navigate to the MultiSense repository under the installation directory
cd "${MULTISENSE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/multisense"

# update the local revision of the code
git pull

# navigate to the base installation directory for MultiSense

# clean up the previous build files
rm -r build
rm -r devel

# source the ROS environment
source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash

# build the new driver

Running ROS Driver

ROS handles launching applications using launch files. Launch files are used to synchronize running many processes at once, monitoring the processes while running, and closing all processes during shutdown. Useful launch files for multisense_ros are available in the multisense_bringup package. These example launch files can be included in user launch files to launch more than one application at once

Environment Setup

To run the ROS driver, first ensure the network is set up correctly based on the networking section.

Next, source the ROS environment. If using the binary packages, this is as easy as sourcing the noetic environment script from its standard installation location.

$ source /opt/ros/noetic/setup.bash

If multisense_ros was built from source, source the setup.bash script from the catkin workspace that was used for the compilation of the driver. It will be found under the devel directory

$ source "${MULTISENSE_SOURCE_DIR}/devel/setup.bash"


To launch the driver run the following command

$ roslaunch multisense_bringup multisense.launch

It is possible to configure the IP address, MTU, and camera topic namespace using arguments to the launch file. For a complete list of available arguments and their defaults, run:

$ roslaunch multisense_bringup multisense.launch -ros-args

To modify the IP address or MTU, launch the camera using the following syntax

$ roslaunch multisense_bringup multisense.launch mtu:=<desired_mtu> ip_address:=<sensor_ip>

Viewing Camera Data with RViz

Once the multisense_ros driver is launched it will be possible to view images and 3D point cloud data using RViz.

First, start RViz

$ rosrun rviz rviz

A configuration file for RViz is provided as part multisense_bringup package. Once RViz opens, to File → Open Config. Navigate to the directory for the configuration. Its install location will vary depending on the installation method used.

For drivers installed from the binary packages the ROS Ubuntu repositories, the default location is /opt/ros/noetic/share/multisense_bringup/rviz_config.rviz

For driver installations loaded from source, the file can be found at ${MULTISENSE_SOURCE_DIR}/src/multisense/multisense_bringup/rviz_config.rviz

The RViz configuration file provided will load the correct configuration needed to visualize all sensors on the MultiSense.

Reconfiguring Camera Via ROS

RQT Reconfigure GUI

Reconfigure at Launch with YAML

Dumping Current Settings to YAML

Running LibMultiSense Utils

MultiSense ROS Topics