
LibMultiSense is a C++ library which implements the wire protocol used to communicate with and command the camera. LibMultisense contains convenience classes which handle the creation, transmission, and processing of MultiSense configuration and sensor data. The core LibMultiSense interfaces and utilities only have libc as an external dependency. This makes it easy to build and integrate LibMultiSense on a variety of operating systems and platforms.

LibMultiSense was originally developed in 2012, before most standard C++ compilers provided full support for C++11 features. As a result, LibMultiSense was written in a style more consistent with C with classes.

All models of current, legacy, and development MultiSense stereo cameras are supported by LibMultiSense. This includes:

  • MultiSense S27

  • MultiSense S30

  • MultiSense KS21

  • MultiSense S21

  • MultiSense ST21

  • MultiSense SL

  • MultiSense S7

  • MultiSense S7S

  • MultiSense Remote Head

API Doccumentation

The details of LibMultiSense APIs can be found in the LibMultiSense Doxygen documentation


Please follow the LibMultiSense README to build the LibMultiSense library and its utilities


LibMultiSense contains a set of example utilities which can be used as both configuration tools and example usage interfaces. Please reference the Utilities directory for the full set of existing utilities These can be useful starting points for developing custom applications using LibMultiSense.

Below are a collection LibMultiSense utilities which are particularly useful for standard operations


The ImageCalUtility is a convenient way to both query and load new camera calibrations onto the MultiSense. This utility saves and loads yaml files containing the intrinsics M and D matrices and extrinsics P and R matrices. These yaml files follow the matrix serialization formatting defined by OpenCV’s FileStorage object.

It is strongly recommended to backup the current calibration on the camera before attempting to load a new calibration. If you need to recovery the factory calibration for a MultiSense, please contact with the serial number of your MultiSense.

USAGE: ./ImageCalUtility -e <extrinisics_file> -i <intrinsics_file> [<options>]
Where <options> are:
    -a <ip_address>      : ip address (default=
    -s                   : set the calibration (default is query)
    -y                   : disable confirmation prompts

The following command will query the stereo calibration from a MultiSense at the default IP address, and save the intrinsics calibration data to a intrinsics.yml file and the extrinsic calibration data to a extrinsics.yml file in the same directory the ImageCalUtility ran

./ImageCalUtility -a -e extrinsics.yml -i intrinsics.yml

The following command will load the stereo calibration saved in the /tmp/intrinsics.yml and /tmp/extrinsics.yml files onto the MultiSense at the default IP address

./ImageCalUtility -a -e /tmp/extrinsics.yml -i /tmp/intrinsics.yml -s


The MultiSense will need to be power cycled after a new calibration is loaded


The ChangeIpUtility is the preferred way to change and reset the static IP address of the camera.

USAGE: ./ChangeIpUtility [<options>]
Where <options> are:
    -a <current_address>    : CURRENT IPV4 address (default=
    -A <new_address>        : NEW IPV4 address     (default=
    -G <new_gateway>        : NEW IPV4 gateway     (default=
    -N <new_netmask>        : NEW IPV4 address     (default=
    -b <interface>          : send broadcast packet to specified network interface. This sets the ip address to the default
    -y                      : disable confirmation prompt

Example command to change the IP address of a camera at the default IP address to the IP address

./ChangeIpUtility -a -A -G

Example command to reset all the MultiSense cameras connected to the eth0 subnet to the default IP address

./ChangeIpUtility -b eth0


The VersionInfoUtility is a convenient way to query the version info of the firmware running on the camera.

USAGE: ./VersionInfoUtility [<options>]
Where <options> are:
    -a <ip_address>    : ip address (default=

Example command to query the version info for a MultiSense at the default IP address

./VersionInfoUtility -a


The DeviceInfoUtility is a convenient way to query device specific configuration of the camera. This includes details of the cameras hardware configuration, and serial number information.

USAGE: ./DeviceInfoUtility [<options>]
Where <options> are:
    -a <ip_address>    : ip address (default=
    -q                 : query device info (default)

Example command to query the device info for a MultiSense at the default IP address

./DeviceInfoUtility -a -q


Device info data can only be updated at the factory. Please contact if you have any issues with your camera’s device info

Rectified Focal Length Utility

The RectifiedFocalLengthUtility is a convenient way to update the focal length of the rectified camera. Larger focal lengths will decrease the FOV of the rectified images, and result in a zoom-like operation. Smaller focal lengths will increase the FOV of the rectified images, but will expose some rectification artifacts resulting from removing the lens distortion.

Rectified focal lengths are stored in the MultiSense extrinsic calibrations P matrices.

USAGE: ./RectifiedFocalLengthUtility -f <rectified_focal_length> [<options>]
Where <options> are:
    -a <ip_address>      : ip address (default=
    -s                   : set the rectified focal length (default is query)

Example command to set the rectified focal length MultiSense at the default IP address

./RectifiedFocalLengthUtility -a -f 1100 -s

API Overview


The Channel class is the primary means of communicating with a MultiSense stereo camera. On creation, a Channel object negotiates the details of the UDP communication configuration, provides facilities to query and set camera configuration parameters, and internally processes and dispatches MultiSense sensor data to user-defined callbacks.

Data Source

A data source can stream various types of data from the camera. These data sources include mono image data, color image data, disparity image data, and IMU data.

The LibMultiSense DataSource type is a bitmask that can be used to describe these data sources. Variables of this type are used to query which data sources are supported by a given sensor, and to control the streaming of those datasources from the sensor. DataSource values can be combined using the bitwise OR operator to represent multiple sources. The bitmask definitions can be found here:


Headers are the structure used to store data the is received from the camera in callbacks. There are three types of header, image headers, IMU headers, and PPS headers.

Image Header

The image header contains all of the information about an image from the camera. This includes the image pixel data buffer and the information required to unpack it. It also includes important information such as the data source, time stamp, and exposure parameters Please see (Link to OpenCV cookbook example) for more information about unpacking the image data into an OpenCV Mat

IMU Header

The IMU header contains a vector of IMU samples that are received at one time from the camera. Each sample contains a time stamp, a data source of either the accelerometer, gyroscope, or magnetometer, and the x, y, and z axis data from that data source.

PPS Header

The PPS (pulse per second) header is used to capture information about the camera’s internal time stamp when it triggered a hardware time sync pulse, as well as the time stamp at which the host system received the message. Please see the PPS time synchronization section for more information about how this mechanism works.

Isolated Callback

Isolated callbacks callback functions are used to process data as it arrives from the camera. Each callback function runs in its own thread and will be called as the data arrives. By default, header data in the callback is stored on the heap, and will be freed after the callback function exits. If data must be preserved after the callback is returned, it can either be copied to a new memory location, or the reserveCallbackBuffer function can be used to extend the lifetime. There are a limited number of callback buffers (5 by default, see, so it is important to free the callback buffer in a timely manner. If there are no buffers available, new callbacks will not be serviced and images will be dropped. Please see the cookbook for examples of subscribing to the callbacks and reserving callback buffers


MultiSense image configuration parameters can be set using the Channel::SetImageConfig() function The image configuration contains all of the parameters that are used to define how the image is captured by the camera. For more detail about individual image parameters, please see the Camera Configuration section. For an example of querying and setting the image configuration, please see the LibMultiSense cookbook