LibMultiSense Documentation
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 CReceiveBufferConfigCertain implementations may use a fixed set of internal buffers to manage incoming camera data
 CImageRepresents a single image plus metadata
 CImageFrameA frame containing multiple images (indexed by DataSource)
 CImuFrameA collection of IMU samples from the camera
 CImuRangeThe range for each sensor along with the corresponding sampling resolution
 CImuRateA sample rate, and what impact it has on bandwidth
 CImuSampleA single IMU sample from the camera
 CMeasurementA generic measurement for a 3-axis IMU
 CMultiSenseConfigComplete configuration object for configuring the MultiSense
 CAutoExposureConfigAuto-exposure specific configuration
 CAutoExposureRoiConfigAuto-exposure Region-of-Interest (ROI) specific configuration
 CAutoWhiteBalanceConfigAuto white balance specific configuration
 CAuxConfigImage specific configuration for the Aux imager
 CImageConfigImage specific configuration
 CImuConfigConfig for the IMU sensor
 COperatingModeConfig for a specific IMU operating mode
 CLightingConfigLighting configuration for the camera
 CExternalConfigLighting config for lights driven by GPIO outputs from the MultiSense
 CInternalConfigLighting config for lights integrated into the MultiSense
 CManualExposureConfigManual exposure specific configuration
 CManualWhiteBalanceConfigManual white balance specific configuration
 CNetworkTransmissionConfigConfig for transmitting packets from the MultiSense to the host
 CStereoConfigStereo specific configuration
 CTimeConfigConfig for time-based controls
 CMultiSenseInfoStatic status info for the MultiSense
 CDeviceInfoThe Device information associated with the MultiSense
 CPcbInfoInfo for the PCBs contained in the unit
 CImuInfoInformation about the IMU onboard the MultiSense
 CSourceInfo about the available IMU configurations
 CNetworkInfoThe network configuration for the MultiSense
 CSensorVersionVersion information for the MultiSense
 CSupportedOperatingModeA valid operating mode for the MultiSense
 CVersionConvenience wrapper for a version number See
 CMultiSenseStatusConsolidated status information which can be queried on demand from the MultiSense
 CPointMake sure our Points and point clouds are packed for applications which might need to handle the underlying raw data
 CPoint< void >Single point definition with no color
 Cadl_serializer< std::chrono::microseconds >
 Cadl_serializer< std::chrono::milliseconds >
 Cadl_serializer< std::chrono::nanoseconds >
 Cadl_serializer< std::optional< T > >Handle generic optional