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LibMultiSense Documentation
▼Ncrl | |
▼Nmultisense | |
▼Ndetails | |
►Nutility | |
►Nwire | |
▼Nmultisense | |
CCameraCalibration | |
▼CChannel | |
CConfig | |
CReceiveBufferConfig | Certain implementations may use a fixed set of internal buffers to manage incoming camera data |
CImage | Represents a single image plus metadata |
CImageFrame | A frame containing multiple images (indexed by DataSource) |
CImuFrame | A collection of IMU samples from the camera |
CImuRange | The range for each sensor along with the corresponding sampling resolution |
CImuRate | A sample rate, and what impact it has on bandwidth |
▼CImuSample | A single IMU sample from the camera |
CMeasurement | A generic measurement for a 3-axis IMU |
▼CMultiSenseConfig | Complete configuration object for configuring the MultiSense |
CAutoExposureConfig | Auto-exposure specific configuration |
CAutoExposureRoiConfig | Auto-exposure Region-of-Interest (ROI) specific configuration |
CAutoWhiteBalanceConfig | Auto white balance specific configuration |
CAuxConfig | Image specific configuration for the Aux imager |
CImageConfig | Image specific configuration |
▼CImuConfig | Config for the IMU sensor |
COperatingMode | Config for a specific IMU operating mode |
▼CLightingConfig | Lighting configuration for the camera |
CExternalConfig | Lighting config for lights driven by GPIO outputs from the MultiSense |
CInternalConfig | Lighting config for lights integrated into the MultiSense |
CManualExposureConfig | Manual exposure specific configuration |
CManualWhiteBalanceConfig | Manual white balance specific configuration |
CNetworkTransmissionConfig | Config for transmitting packets from the MultiSense to the host |
CStereoConfig | Stereo specific configuration |
CTimeConfig | Config for time-based controls |
▼CMultiSenseInfo | Static status info for the MultiSense |
▼CDeviceInfo | The Device information associated with the MultiSense |
CPcbInfo | Info for the PCBs contained in the unit |
▼CImuInfo | Information about the IMU onboard the MultiSense |
CSource | Info about the available IMU configurations |
CNetworkInfo | The network configuration for the MultiSense |
CSensorVersion | Version information for the MultiSense |
CSupportedOperatingMode | A valid operating mode for the MultiSense |
CVersion | Convenience wrapper for a version number See https://semver.org/ |
▼CMultiSenseStatus | Consolidated status information which can be queried on demand from the MultiSense |
CCameraStatus | |
CClientNetworkStatus | |
CPowerStatus | |
CPtpStatus | |
CTemperatureStatus | |
CTimeStatus | |
CPoint | Make sure our Points and point clouds are packed for applications which might need to handle the underlying raw data |
CPoint< void > | Single point definition with no color |
CPointCloud | |
CStereoCalibration | |
▼Nnlohmann | |
Cadl_serializer< std::chrono::microseconds > | |
Cadl_serializer< std::chrono::milliseconds > | |
Cadl_serializer< std::chrono::nanoseconds > | |
Cadl_serializer< std::optional< T > > | Handle generic optional |